Life is full of defining moments like when you finally pass your drivers license test, graduate from High School, get married, have your first child, buy your first house etc.. These are all moments that make you who you are. They are always scary at first but...
SMOG (Small Minded Objectives & Goals)
It’s 4:30am in the middle of July, 2013 in Leon City, Mexico. My girlfriend and I are climbing the steep staircase leading to a balcony of Universidad de la Salle Bajío which overlooks the city. The cool morning air was nipping at my heels and throat, each breath like...
One Of Life’s Greatest Gifts
The date is May 1st 2020, I stand victorious atop the roof of a 3 story building on an A-Frame pitch with wind and rain beating against my sweat drenched body. I’m exhausted… I’ve been cleaning this one section of roof for the last 4 hours and my legs are now going...
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