One Of Life’s Greatest Gifts

The date is May 1st 2020, I stand victorious atop the roof of a 3 story building on an A-Frame pitch with wind and rain beating against my sweat drenched body. I’m exhausted…
I’ve been cleaning this one section of roof for the last 4 hours and my legs are now going through muscle fatigue. I feel my body shaky with every step. Below me is nothing but flat concrete, a death sentence from this height should my safety gear fail. I look across the horizon and allow my accomplishment to sink in a bit. Before me is a 23,000 Sq foot behemoth of a mansion, so large you can’t even capture the whole house in a photo, no matter how far you step back.
To give you an idea of how intimidating this house is… not ONE of the contractors who looked at this house besides me, was even willing to give an estimate on cleaning the roof, yet there I was, finished.

I raise my pole and brush above my head in a victorious stance and suddenly a huge smile brushes across my face. Joy replaces the feelings of exhaustion and muscle fatigue gives way to a new realization… I just did something that nobody else was willing to do. Something that everyone else was scared to do. I did the “impossible” and to be honest it really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
But isn’t that just a summary for most of life?
Don’t we all make the mistake of under-appreciating how strong and capable we actually are? I don’t know about you but to me.. Taking on a challenging project and continuing through to completion is one of life’s greatest gifts.